Thursday, April 7, 2011

Thoughts on Communion

Last summer, I switched churches. I applied for a position to direct Life Groups (bible studies, small groups, etc.) at a church, and in the process was accepted and have been there since (I still think its crazy the hired a 23 year old).

I love this church. I think I could go on and on and on and on until we are all as old as Methuselah as to why is is so fabulous, but I will spare you of that. One of these things is the fact that we take communion every week.

My first time at the church, before I was hired, I thought I just happened to come on Communion Sunday. From what I can remember, the church I grew up in did not participate in the sacrament of communion on a regular basis--only once or twice outside of youth group can I remember taking it. But, let's be honest, it could have been because I just simply wasn't paying attention. Either way, the church I went to in college only took it once a month, and I truly did believe that to be sufficient. When I went to my new church and discovered that every week was Communion Sunday, I was a little thrown off.

These were my thoughts: "How on earth am I supposed to take it seriously if we don't make something special about it? Once a month is more that sufficient." "Communion is based loosely off of Passover and the Feast of the Atonement, and they only took it once a YEAR for centuries (I may be over exaggerating on the time frame here). Why do we need to even change that?" And, of course, "If I do it every week, won't that take a way from the reflection portion?"

Ah, how foolish I was.

Honestly, I wish I took it every day. Each before the trays are passed, a deacon or a church elder gives a sermonette to set the tone as the congregation is about to partake in the sacraments. Each week it varies on what is spoken on; sometimes it is simply a reading of the scripture and a small commentary, it has been a short poem about Christ, or it has been a story of how the Lord continually provides grace and mercy upon us each day. After listening, we share in the elements while the piano plays. Each week I fail not to be overwhelmed of the grace that we have with God through Jesus. Each week I am deeply reminded of the meaning of his sacrifice and how much I desperately need it. Each week is a time of reflection, repentance, and renewal. "And and best of it is, God is with us."

"And finally Brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is good, if there is any excellence and if anything is worthy of praise, dwell on these things. Now the things you have learned and heard and received and seen in me, practice these things and the God of Peace will be with you," Philipians 4:8,9

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