So I'm an ISFJ. Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging. I'm a Protector Guardian. I go about my task of caretaking modestly, unassumingly, and because of this my efforts are supposedly not sometimes fully appreciated. According to keirsey.com, my ideal job is as follows:
"With their extraordinary commitment to security, and with their unusual talent for executing routines, Protectors do well in many careers that have to do with conservation: curators, private secretaries, librarians, middle-managers, police officers, and especially general medical practitioners. To be sure, the hospital is a natural haven for them; it is home to the family doctor, preserver of life and limb, and to the registered nurse, or licensed practical nurse, truly the angels of mercy. The insurance industry is also a good fit for Protectors. To save, to put something aside against an unpredictable future, to prepare for emergencies-these are important actions to Protectors, who as insurance agents want to see their clients in good hands, sheltered and protected."
Well, I don't want to be a librarian. Or a middle-manager. Or a police officer, or a doctor. I've decided that I don't really like these types of classifications.
One of my favorite artists, Fabian Perez doesn't like to categorize his worke because it "limits the artist as well as the work." This is how I feel having personality tests or types put on me. It is limiting.
"With their extraordinary commitment to security, and with their unusual talent for executing routines, Protectors do well in many careers that have to do with conservation: curators, private secretaries, librarians, middle-managers, police officers, and especially general medical practitioners. To be sure, the hospital is a natural haven for them; it is home to the family doctor, preserver of life and limb, and to the registered nurse, or licensed practical nurse, truly the angels of mercy. The insurance industry is also a good fit for Protectors. To save, to put something aside against an unpredictable future, to prepare for emergencies-these are important actions to Protectors, who as insurance agents want to see their clients in good hands, sheltered and protected."
Well, I don't want to be a librarian. Or a middle-manager. Or a police officer, or a doctor. I've decided that I don't really like these types of classifications.
One of my favorite artists, Fabian Perez doesn't like to categorize his worke because it "limits the artist as well as the work." This is how I feel having personality tests or types put on me. It is limiting.
So then I think of God. What personality type would He be? What was Jesus? Was He the Protector Guardian, or was he something else? I sometimes treat God like one of my friends. I put Him in a nice little box and try not to let Him out. And then when He "acts out" or does something that I'm not expecting, it throws me off.
But why do I put the LORD in a box anyway? He is the one who created boxes, He created me. If He truly is the Creator of the Universe and everything within it, why would I want to put Him in a stupid little box? It's limiting. And dumb.
But why do I put the LORD in a box anyway? He is the one who created boxes, He created me. If He truly is the Creator of the Universe and everything within it, why would I want to put Him in a stupid little box? It's limiting. And dumb.
Let Jesus out of the box to play.