I went hiking with some friends a few weeks ago and found this little gem hiding in a hunk of tree moss.
This is also from hiking. I'm not sure what all the PVC pipe is doing in the middle of a state park, but it made for an interesting photograph.
Lichen. When I was a kid, my family and I were camping somewhere along the coast I think and we were on a hike that had a self-guided tour through the redwoods. I had the pamphlet that told us what all the number posts were there for, and I kept on reading lichen (like-en) as litchen. I learned the correct pronunciation simply to steer clear of more teasing from my sisters.
This is from the Exploratoriumin San Francisco. We went for our friend's birthday, and I found the light section of it quite appealing.
This is from the Observation Deck in the deYoung Museum in San Francisco. It is much like Coit Tower, one can see all parts of the city and bay. Its beautiful on a clear day! You can see all the way to Mt. Diablo if it is clear enough.
This is my friend Kali staring out at all the little ant people below.
Walking around at Sea Ranch.
I think I'll call this one Yellow Leaf on Red Brick. So original.
Until we meet again!