Sunday, September 23, 2007

Kinko's Days

They are called Kinko's days. The term was coined by Michelle Silvashy, one of the former InterVarsity staff workers at SSU.

What they are is this: a day in which you have one thing on your mind when you wake up, and one thing on your mind the entire day. It was Kinko's for Meche. She had to make copies. The day goes along and you proceed to do what needs to be done. At the end of the day, you lie in bed waiting for sleep to overcome you, and it hits like a ton of bricks: you realize that you have spent an entire day without reading your Bible, doing a devotional, or even praying. You realize that Kinko's was the only thing on your mind.

For me, it was my essay. An eight page essay analyzing the Gothic Hero. I woke up early, ate breakfast, and had great aspirations for the day. As time went on, I welcomed seemingly small interruptions from my outlining process. I talked with friends as they were on lunch break, I took a nap, I finished watching Season Two of The Office. As I slipped in between my covers around 1:30 AM, I realized that I had lived yet another "Kinko's day."

How do I do it? I find it so easy to go along with my day, have good conversation, serve my roommates, and yet spend an entire day without the slightest though of my Creator.

I know that God is here. I know that even in the midst of my forgetfulness and rebellion that He loves me as I am. He is my constant companion, whether or not I choose to acknowledge Him.

But as I thought upon my seemingly unfortunate situation, I rejoiced in the fact that the LORD still meets me as I am. Even though I wander day to day, He still holds the lamp unto my feet, He still is the light unto my path. I need not to worry with what is going on outside in the darkness; I need to keep my sights on Him.

So in a way, these sorts of days always are helpful to me. They keep me humble. They are a constant reminder of my wonderful Maker.

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