Saturday, June 23, 2007

Conversing With A Homeless Man

I was told that God is a claustrophobic. That is the reason He created the world.
I was sitting down at a place in San Francisco's Tenderloin district with some friends back in February. We were told to engage with the homeless and be ready to listen to their stories. An Italian man sat between my friend Matt and myself and proceeded to ask us (out of the blue) why Jesus was killed. Matt told the man it was so that His name could be glorified. Somehow that spurred on conversation about Creation. Jesus, as the man called himself, said that when God created the world it was because He was bored and lonely. So as He was sitting on His heavenly bathroom (one can only think of how one was there before the creation of the world), God thought the world into creation and so it became. He kept talking and talking, not letting us get a word in edgewise. He then proceeded to tell us that God does not care for any of us since there is a war going on. I now cannot even recall exactly what he was telling us, but it saddened me. Matt's face was devastated. We had before us a man who would not allow himself to be loved by the One who had created him. He finished preaching to us and walked away laughing. There was nothing left for us to do but watch silently, our mournful eyes following him as he entered back onto the streets that he called home.

1 comment:

Kate-y said...

What about praying for him? :)

Love you!!