Studying is best done late at night when all is quiet
Its actually a good idea to study
Its not a good idea to take up a dare to eat nothing but cereal for a week
Living in community is hard
Impromptu dance parties are always encouraged
This is my roommates dancing (oh yes) on the couch. Constance, Ashley, Danielle, Ariel, and Emily
My bedtime has extended to 1 AM
God is a lot bigger that I ever though
Its hard to find a good church away from home
My laugh sometimes sounds like a machine gun
When your roommate (or you) says the room will be clean by Wednesday, she really means Friday
Don't walk around campus on a weekend night with a red Dixie cup in your hand-you will be accosted by the campus police
Don't star gaze late at night on a Saturday in the main quad, people will think you are passed out drunk
Its never a good idea to leave your glasses at home...100 miles away
Being real and honest with one another is hard and rewarding

This is Danielle and me.
Loving your roommates when its hard is a good thing
Not everyone likes the same music as I do
When asked nicely, almost any Freshman will let you use their ID to get into the cafeteria
Letters from people are defiantly a good thing
Its not a good idea to use air freshener when you will have an allergy attack
Four gallons of water come out of a sink tap every minute
The book of Daniel is a prophecy book
Pizza is a luxury
Moving out of the dorms is a pain in the butt
Avoid the CSA's at all costs
Quarters are like gold
Make friends with the people who work at Starbucks and you can score free drinks
There are no secrets when you live with five other girls
Caroline Ammann knows everyone and everything about them

The woman herself.
People will not like you for being a Christian
Professors will pick fights with you if they know you are a Christian
Movies with sex in them are overrated
Roommates will make or break your college experience
English papers can be written in an hour but it is not recommended
Its important to actually do the reading for class
Having a kitchen is a wonderful thing
Its funny to make faces at people when they are talking in front of a group of people
The 80's was a great to make fun of the dress I mean

The roomies again, we had an 80's birthday party to go to.
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