My friend Matt worked at REI at the time and helped me pick them out. Honestly, I felt a little silly climbing up on the fake rock to test them out, but its still fun. I just wish it was bigger!
My first trip was to Hood Mountain Regional Park. It is beautiful up there! I went by myself (don't tell my mom!) in the middle of the week. I had wanted to be better about spending longer periods of time in silence and solitude in order to be better at listening to God. The times in the past I have done it have been very refreshing and insightful, so I was looking forward to doing it again. I had had a really strange and slightly disturbing dream a few days before that brought up some things to think and pray through, so I left my house anticipating somewhat of an emotionally hard day. As excited as I was to be outdoors spending lots of time with Jesus, I was a little nervous about what He was going to bring up.
I drive and drive and drive up this one mountain until I think I miss the turn, until I finally see the signs for the park. Praise Jesus! I didn't get lost. I'm currently the only car in the parking lot. Perfect.
I throw on my backpack full of lunch, water, journal, and bible. I start to walk to the trailhead, and making sure that no one is near to think that I am a crazy person talking to myself, I start to pray aloud. I asked God to be working in the harder parts of my life, to be healing the bruised spots in my heart from a previous relationship, and to show me where to move forward. But, to my surprise, this day of contemplation was not what the Lord had planned for me. I found that my mind and my heart was not fully immersed in that prayer. My spirit was discontent with being contemplative in that manner. I found myself grinning ear to ear as I wandered up and down the mountain, by the creek, hopping the stream, and walking in the meadows. Even when I was getting my butt kicked by a particularly steep section of the trail, I literally was giddy. My heart could not dream of being discontent while I was doing something so enjoyable! God was working in my heart a spirit of refreshment and of joy.
The heavens declare the glory of God, and they sky above proclaims his handiwork. Psalm 19:1
Enjoy my day with me.
The Beginning
He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside still waters. Psalm 23:2
This is where I ate my lunch and stared out at the hills.
Pretty thistles
And the very tired but happy hiker.