I moved in with 7 complete strangers and became great friends with all of them. By far, Freshman year has been the best year of my life so far. My bedtime went from 10:00 PM to about 1 or 2 AM, my diet went from mom's home cooking to fatty and salty caf food. I learned that it was important to study when a professor told you to, and that class may be "optional" in the sense that not all instructors take roll, but that if you opt out, your grade will eventually reflect your attendance. We did lots of fun stuff that year together. Beach days, a Halloween party in which we bobbed for apples, an Oscars Party, late-night study sessions, and cookie baking in our illegal toaster oven. I convinced my bible study to drive all the way to Sacramento to get ice cream at Leatherby's, went to Monterey with good friends for the weekend, and fell in love with Jesus all over again. Freshman year was great because I could re-invent myself into anything I wanted. I'm not sure if I changed too much, but I did choose into things and made them my own. My faith grew exponentially being away from home for the first time. I got to see what life (and faith) was outside of my home and as an "adult."

These are my roommates freshman year (L-->R): Emily, Ariel, Ashley, Me, Danielle, Sarah, Sam, and Alex.

Matt, Aaron, Emily, and I on the roof of the Monterey Hotel. We snuck up there.

Macy and Sam painting the table in our bathroom. We all contributed to the masterpiece.

This is Sarah and I on our last night together. I slept on the couch the night she left because it was too strange to sleep in my room alone.

And how could I forget my mission trip to Costa Rica?! At the end a whole bunch of us got baptized. Such a phenominal way to end the trip.

We hosted an 80's themed birthday party for our friend April. Here we all are (L-->R): Ashley, Constance, Danielle, Ariel, Emily, and Me.

My feet became bunion-less. There they are.

Jen, Ashley, and I all have birthdays in August. Our friends threw us a surprise party! We all had party hats. This is a picture of me blowing out Jen's candles.

My friend Juliann and I took an Art History class on Rodin's sculptures. Here we are at my favorite museum, The Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco. Juliann is in between the Berghers of Calais.

This is the third year that my family has participated in the Run to Feed the Hungry. Or, as my father refers to it, the Shuffle to Feed the Hungry: you and your closest 30,000 friends.
Some friends and I walked to Golden Gate Bridge over our Intercession courses. This is Caroline and me!

We helped host a Super Bowl party for InterVarsity. Over 85 people came to one house! They were on the floor, on the stairs, upstairs, in the kitchen, in the dining room, in the study room, EVERYWHERE! We definately were breaking fire code. Ashley, Juliann, Caroline, Danielle and I were wiped out!

Matt, Ariel, and I went crazy over midterms. This was a really late night. At least I think it was.
Senior Year!
I spent the summer in McDermitt, Nevada working with Sierra Service Project. What a great summer! I came back to start my final year at SSU. Thankfully we didn't have to move, we had the pleasure of staying in our same house. Again I was taught how to love people well. I learned how to manage my time more efficiently, and found the importance of resting on a regular basis.

My staff for the summer (L-->R): Kelley, Marty, Lisa, Amy, Me, Jennifer, Mallory, Philip.
I turned 21! My roommates took me out to drinks at Applebee's and then made me dinner. Wonderful! This is Ariel, Danielle, and me.
We took a road trip! We went down to San Diego for Labor Day weekend. Here we are on the beach.
Our roommate Danielle got engaged! Here we are helping her shop for the dress. Rebbecca, Emily, Me, Brenna, Ava, Ashley, Jen, Jessy, and the bride. Just a few weeks after this, Emily got engaged too! Its that time of life, I suppose.

We went wine tasting! Korbel was our destination.

Three of us went on another road trip! We visited Jessy in Pine Valley. The four of us will be spending one more year together.
That is it for now! More final photos to come later. Graduation, Chapter Camp, and the Dominican Republic are coming up. Keep you all updated!